Max is in trouble again

Wednesday 31st August 2016

Today, being Wednesday, I went to visit my Dad in the morning. After I had finished all the bits and pieces he had for me to sort out we took the dogs down to Mudeford Quay as I wanted to do some filming for Chris’ company. We parked, and before I got the tripod out of the car (it weighs a ton!) I walked the dogs over to the water’s edge so that they could get in the sea. As you can see, the weather was very different to yesterday as it was overcast and there was quite a cold wind blowing.

Mudeford Harbour

My thought was that if they went in the water first they would calm down and then I could get the tripod and we could walk around the quay. So here is Max in the water. As usual he is waiting for me to throw something for him.

Waiting for his cone

After the dogs had had a paddle I went and got the tripod and we headed for the quay. That’s Dad in the photo below walking towards the quay.

Mudeford Harbour

I put the dogs on the lead and as I had a heavy tripod with camera attached in my left hand I gave Jez to Dad and I kept hold of Max. And what a good job I did. Jez wandered around like a good little dog. Max was a total nightmare. He pulled and pulled on the lead the whole time and it took all my strength just to hold onto him. It was not a pleasant experience. I did manage to get some film but was so busy struggling to control Max that I got the exposure wrong. At least some of it was usable though.

Eventually I gave up and  headed back to the car via the sea again. Here’s Jez having a paddle.

Jez has a paddle

And one last photo of Max.

Max on the little beach

I won’t be doing that again in a hurry.

A year ago today

Max and I had a bit of a wet walk on Upton Heath. Here is a Grisette that I spotted on our walk.


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